Here Comes the Sun! :D

We have finally been blessed with sunshine and warm temperatures, hooray!! This means that as soon as the snow melts here in Red Rocks we will be able to start climbing. In the mean time we’ve been keeping ourselves busy with some mountain biking and exploring! There are tons of old mining areas filled with junk to investigate for days, endless miles of challenging trails, and great beer to drink while posting on the blog;] Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Arizona hot springs hike with impressive cliffs tempting to climb

The Colorado River cleanses us after a few weeks without a shower

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure

A glimpse into another time, tantalizing us to explore further

We think a big horn sheep, any other opinions?

Dyin’ to burn

I ain’t scared of no mountain lions

Clouds make for extraordinary sunsets

A little hail won’t stop this fire

Mountain biking in pristine weather

There is no greater feeling than working hard and being rewarded with the pure joy of flow